Dog Breeders in Kokomo, IN

Indianapolis, IN (56 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
$100.00 / Dog Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Indiana (58 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
English Bulldog
Indianapolis, IN (58 mi)

Small in home breeder

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Indianapolis, Indiana, NY (59 mi)

good behavours and they listen I adore them and just wish they have a good home and safe I love them as much I love them u love them to

Primary Business
Primary Breed
French Bulldog
$850.00 / 850 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Huntington, IN (61 mi)

Hello our family raises AKC German Shepherd pups on our family farm in Huntington Indiana. We have both sire and dam on site. They are both AKC registered,…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Any Day of the Week
Lafayette, IN (61 mi)

I have been grooming and breeding poodles for the last 45 years. I strongly believe that dogs with a show background make for better pets because they mind…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
$35.00 / Night Boarding
Any Day of the Week
Indianapolis, IN (63 mi)

The parents of these puppies are our babies. We can't afford to keep them all.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Avon, IN (63 mi)

we are a small Kennell that breads top show dogs and or pets.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jack Russell Terrier
Any Day of the Week
Any Day of the Week