private breeder. these dogs live in our home. all pups are very social and raised with lots of love and care.
beautiful Alaskan malamute puppies Male and female to choose from. Super puppies, very cute, and cuddly bundles of joy. Smart and easy to train, make excellent…
We breed for health, temperment and size. All our pups come with a two year health guarantee will be vet checked, all current shots and worming. Low Price…
check our available puppies on our website :
My name is Hubert Debski and I am a US Navy Veteran. When I was deployed in Iraq I worked with k9s. At one point I was away from my wife and children, I decided…
Responsible Breeder Of Bulldogs
lovely Basset hound puppies ready for sale into a lovely home.This puppies are adorable, vet checked and potty trained. they are also very friendly with people…
Small scale family oriented breeder producing amazing fsmily companion pup.
Long Valley Dog Breeders