Dog Breeders in Lynnwood, WA

Auburn, WA (38 mi)

We have two family Miniature Schnauzers named Jack and Sophie. We allow them to breed and sell the puppies so that other families can enjoy these great dogs…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$495.00 / 1 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Kent, WA (41 mi)

We are a long time breeder of the wonderful AKC Samoyed, they are loving loyal family members, we have done showing, rescue, and re homing, and agility, Samoyeds…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Kent, WA (41 mi)

I have a love for White German Shepherds as they are a highly intelligent and a loving breed. Both dam and sire are from strong pure white blood lines and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Sultan, WA (41 mi)

We are loving owners of English Mastiffs. We have carefully selected these two parents for breeding.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$100.00 / Live Puppy Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Auburn, WA (43 mi)

I have experience breeding Maltese dogs.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Port Townsend, WA (44 mi)

I live in Port Townsend Washington. I breed exclusively the European Continental Type Landseers which are a rare breed in the United States . I breed for health…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Bremerton, WA (44 mi)

Waddles is a Adult Male pekingese with hair like a Shorter Spaniel Coat he's house trained and kid friendly. He is the product of AKC parents his mother is…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Adelma Beach, WA (46 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed