Dog Breeders in Mars Hill, NC

Clyde, NC (38 mi)

Yorkshire Terrier breeder and Pomeranian

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Any Day of the Week
Jonesborough, TN (39 mi)

We are a small family Border Collie breeder. We own a vineyard growing European wine grapes, and we use the Border Collies to keep the deer from eating our…

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Any Day of the Week
Horseshoe, NC (40 mi)

We breed English Cream GoldenDoodles mixed with Apricot colored Sheepadoodles. An Absolute gorgeous mixed double doodle with excellent temperament!

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Del Rio, TN (40 mi)

Our family runs a 25 acre farm in the Smokey Mountains of East Tennessee. Our dogs are busy most of the time and help with various jobs such as herding cows…

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Mini Australian Shepherd
Marion, NC (42 mi)

wanted chocolate and tan dapple`or black and tan dapple dachshund female min or standard call 1-828-738-0232

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Any Day of the Week
Marion, NC (46 mi)

wanted chocolate and tan or black and tan dapple dacshund

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Any Day of the Week
Johnson City, TN (46 mi) is a newly opened kennel and we strive to breed the best pitbulls in the U.S.

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Pit Bull Terrier
Any Day of the Week
Johnson City, TN (47 mi)

White Oak Doodles, a Tennessee ethical dog breeder, specializes in Bernedoodle puppies and English Cream Goldendoodle puppies. We breed for top health and behavior…

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Any Day of the Week