We have a beautiful litters of Servals and F1 to F3 Savannah kittens. They are ready to go now. They have been well socialized. Bottle fed from the second…
We specialize in breeding French Bulldogs. In love with the breed.
We have extraordinary B.M.D puppies Ready to go! We Are now giving them out for Re-homing to ready and available families. asking $600 to $700for each. These…
LONG BEACH CA 90845 contact me at (akasmith50@yahoo.com)
Amazing family raised Olde English Bulldogges.
Have 8 beautiful puppies to sell. 8 weeks old ready for a home
We have been breeding & showing Spaniels for over 20 years. Our dogs have great personalities for families.
I am a small Kennel and Old Fashion Large German Shepherd dog breeder of sound OFA Certified Old Fashion Large German Shepherds located in Southern California…
Newport Beach Dog Breeders
Newport Beach Dog Photographers