We have been breeding for the last 18 years. We love the breed and enjoy the people we have met along the way.
I Breed for confirmation, health and desired sweet temperament and personality. I bred and showed Standard Poodles, and Maltese previously. Puppies are raised…
I'm a dog lover and am helping my sister find a home for a beautiful and precious yorkipoo.
"Amatskennel" since 1990.Our pups go home with shots/deworming up-2-date & a written health Gurantee.Well socialized babies raised with our kids & cats.Adorable…
YORKIE, purebred, female, 12 weeks, dewormed and vaccinations, perfect loveable gift, sweet and good w kids, playful, loving, $500 firm
Diamond Oaks Ranch breeding exceptional over-sized German Shepherds for 30 years. Combining the ultimate in breeding programs -- Gorgeous Conformation -- Superior…
It all started 10 years ago when we got our first Golden Retriever, we fell in love with the breed and we gradually found ourselves growing in number and we…
I have a Tibetan mastiff baby, Her parents' descent is purely noble, She has only ten weeks, weighs 15 pounds, the color is black and brown. Vaccines have…
Newport Beach Dog Breeders
Newport Beach Dog Photographers