West German Showline German Shepherds
I have been breeding Alaskan Malamutes for 15yrs. I have a litter due in February. I have produced very large working and show Malamutes. This is Roxy's…
Tucker is 9 weeks old and is very playful and friendly. He has been around kids for 9 weeks so far and loves to play with them.
We consider our dogs a part of our family. Because we wouldn’t relinquish our family members to just anyone, we screen interested puppy owners carefully…
Breeding for over 40 years. Guaranteed health. AKC only
See website for much more information.
Rottweiler owner for over 14 years. I have found that finding a Rottweiler puppy that isn't out of the reach expensive was very hard to find. So I decided to…
have only to pet rottweiler females who live with me
Oak Park Dog Breeders
Oak Park Dog Groomers
Oak Park Dog Therapists