AKC Weimaraner puppies for sale 5 females 3 males. I have blues and silvers. I am not a breeder. I own the mother and father of my pups. I take pride in caring…
Breeder of Golden Retrievers for 18 years. I have multi generational goldens with great health history.
small breeder of healthy and quality chihuahua puppies in our home. We are staying small with mostly brindle lines, chocolate, and blue and APRI registry. Some…
We raise quality Labrador Retrievers and chihuahuas at the Runnin S Ranch! We only have 2 Chihuahua's and 2 Labs, We are not a kennel! Our puppies are raised…
A owner of a beautiful Husky named Lunna She so Sweet and Adorable. Love ver.
First time breeding mastiffs
We are a small kennel in East Texas speacializing in merles, phantoms, & partis in toy, miniature, and standard poodles.
I have been breeding Boxers, Doberman Pinschers and cockapoos for 10 years. We have always worked to improve the breeds, and work with our puppies daily starting…