Breeding quality cane corsos for the responsible pet owner. Our male is 150lbs, female is 120lbs. Parents produce blues, blue brindles and formentinos. They…
We are a small family breeder located in central South Carolina. All of our family members are involved with the rising and caring of our pups. We take great…
Raising showing & working quality American Bulldogs. All of our dogs have top bloodlines from multiple champion & working titled, healthy dogs. All of our pups…
Variety of colors available. 1 male and 4 females. Ready 9/18/17. For more information, call or text Mike at 563-210-3993.
Ckc registered health tested friendly toy poodle to stud
We are a small family farm dedicated to producing the finest working line German Shepherd dogs around. We have nearly 30 years experience in breeding animals…
Cortland Neuhoff has been breeding Australian Labradoodles since 2001. We breed miniatures that are smart, non-shedding, healthy and nicely socialized. We…