Private, individual seller. Breed and selling my Cane-Corso Pit-bull's newborn babies.
We are a small family breeder of French and English Bulldog puppies. All of our pups are raised in my home with my family and other puppies so they have wonderful…
pets lovers
Red Nose American Pit Bull Terrier pups – ADBA registered, Grand Champion Bloodlines (Pups were born April 17th, 2011 – ready to go by early…
Newborn purebred chihuahua available now $450 to $500 depending the sex (: please text 9082303893 or call for more pics email at serious buyers…
We are a small family breeder of French and English Bulldog puppies. All of our pups are raised in my home with my family and other puppies so they really have…
we had puppies and currently are now selling
NY Breeder is passionate about pets. We have the finest homebed puppies in Westchester NY & offer free dog training for life. LIC. 918
Saddle Brook Dog Breeders
Saddle Brook Dog Photographers