We are breeders of AKC Registered Golden Retrievers and Goldadors and we are not a kennel. Our ladies are family pets and house dogs.
Tall Tails is a small family operated breeder located in the Southern York County PA
This is het second liter and i have 5 females left. Both parents on premises. Parents went to obedience school completed and are very loving.
Hobby breeder raising quality bred pups.
NKC registered, health records, deformed, ready for new home sept 19. Beautiful American bulldog pups
Raising showing & working quality American Bulldogs. All of our dogs have top bloodlines from multiple champion & working titled, healthy dogs. All of our pups…
Gabby, our Goldendoodle, is 4 1/12 years old with her second litter. Her first litter, in 2012, was 9 healthy puppies. This litter has 10 - 7 black and…
Silver Spring Dog Breeders
Silver Spring Dog Photographers