I have been breeding Papillons for over 16 years. My puppies are raised in our home with lots of TLC and socialization. They will mature to 5-8 pounds. All…
I have been breeding dogs since I was 8 years old and providing families with loving, well bred and socialized pups is our goal. We offer a lifetime of support…
We take pride in our program by providing families with healthy and happy puppies. We have Labradoodle puppies for sale.
Our puppies are raised in a loving home with lots of playtime with Children and other pets. The dogs are well socialized and come with their basic training…
selling Havanese puppies. both parents on premise.
Golden pups please call
Home of quality, well cared for AKC & CKC Registered Pug Puppies. Our Pug puppies and dogs are lovingly raised in our home by our family with over 10 years…
I have 4 puppies for sale. Dog good company dog, good with people , kids , cats and others dogs. Health guarantee! Delivery any city Mass. or NH. 781 367…