Dog Breeders in Vancouver, WA

Elma, WA (128 mi)

We own a 3-year-old female Bichon-Schitzu mix. This spring, we learned that a neighbor has a cute Havanese male. We brought the two together for a week, and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$450.00 / Puppy Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Buckley, WA (131 mi)

We have a passion for the terrier breed. All around, they are an amazing breed. We train and breed Jack Russell Terriers for their skill and for family life…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Oregon (154 mi)

At Circle A Ranch Danes, we love our animals and treat them like family. All dogs are fed supplemental diets of meat, vegetable and other foods high in proteins…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Great Dane
$1100.00 / Pup Breeding
Any Day of the Week