Tucker is 9 weeks old and is very playful and friendly. He has been around kids for 9 weeks so far and loves to play with them.
AKC Puppy Family -We are a small breeder of all Puppies. Our puppies are sold with Akc unlimited registration. Puppies are up to date on shots and worming…
have only to pet rottweiler females who live with me
I have been breeding Alaskan Malamutes for 15yrs. I have a litter due in February. I have produced very large working and show Malamutes. This is Roxy's…
I have a happy kid loving dog that needs a home.
We are a family registered breeder with the IOEBA that takes pride in breeding heathy quality bulldogges that mirror the original bulldogges from the 1700…
Puppies from $680.00 to 10,000.00 depending on which breed it is. goldpuppieshome.net Where we specialize in Tiny Teacup dogs and Tiny Breeds with exceptional…
Waterford Dog Breeders
Waterford Dog Groomers
Waterford Dog Therapists