Dog Breeders in West Union, OH

Cincinnati, OH (84 mi)

We live in a house with a big property and have two Border Collies. The male is Black and white and the female is red and white. Both long haired.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$450.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Kentucky (85 mi)

F1 Standard GoldenDoodles. Our Puppies are CKC registered and comes with a warranty. Please check our website out.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$1000.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Laurelville, OH (86 mi)

We have a family operated small business. We only breed about every other year. We sell to people who understand what the breed needs. The parents are…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shorthaired Pointer
Any Day of the Week
Corinth, KY (87 mi)

jennifer smith

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Walton, KY (88 mi)

Specializing in registered Great Danes, Mantle Female and Proven Black with white markings studs

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Franklin, OH (88 mi)

I have bred a lot of different types of Breeds through the years, but my favorite has been the Golden Retrievers and Goldendoodles. They are so loving just…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Cincinnati, OH (89 mi)

I am a Hobbyist Breeder, My pups are raised in the home. I have Beautiful Cane Corso pups available!

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Cane Corso
Any Day of the Week
Cincinnati, OH (89 mi)

Primary Breed is Peruvian Inca Orchid but because they are so rare "DogsNow" does not have a category. Breeder for 34 years mostly unique and unusual breeds…

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Primary Breed