Yorkie westie poo he is 5 months old.
TOY / MINI AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES: Raised in the home and on a Raw and Organic Diet!
Crystal, is IACP professional dog trainer & owner of Excelon K9 Shelton Wa USA. I offer fully trained dogs and the required handler training. Each of my trained…
Pacheco Rottweilers is a small family owned and operated enthusiast kennel that is located in the Pacific North West. We are a Code of Ethics Breeder dedicated…
Mom and Dad are my personal babies. These puppies are raised in the home with lots of love and handling.
Our philosophy to breeding is "every dog is our pet". We breed and raise all of our puppies in our home and they have direct contact with one of us 24 hours…
I have a 3 year old awesome AKC Yorkie female. She has the best personality, is super sweet, playful, hardly ever barks. I bred her with a papered yorkie almost…
I am looking for a Male husky with Blue eyes preferably not fixed. i am a registered AKC profetional dog handler. I have one dog now and he is an Ibizan hound…
Bremerton Dog Photographers
Bremerton Dog Veterinarians