Full blooded German Sheppard male
I have been a legal professional dog breeder for 30 years attending seminars every year in order to learn the latest information on dog care. All my puppies…
We have been raising Top Quality Beagles since 2000. We have AKC and UKC Registered Beagle puppies. All of our Males are DNA'd Verivied. We have also added…
I've groomed dogs when I was young and started breeding dogs 30 years ago. I try to make our puppies the best that they can be. We have many return customers…
We live on a 30 acre farm in Ozark mountains of mo, we raise boer goats and we also have a pair of Australian Shepherd dogs, these dogs are AKC/UABR 417-746…
We have a small 60 acre farm where we primarily raise and show American Miniature horses and American Shetland Ponies. We have bred a few dogs here and there…
We are a small breeder of high quality Shiba Inus. We show our dogs and many are champions. Our puppies are family raised with kids and other pets.
I raise puppies in my home. There is no 'puppy pound' here.
Brookline Dog Therapists
Brookline Dog Veterinarians