My name is Shawntel. My dogs are raised in a loving family environment and loved very much. Daisy and Bloo create beautiful and larger than average puppies…
I have 3 left 2 males and one female pup left the males are on white and the other is chocolate brown with full mask the female is whit all have blue eyes the…
We are a licensed family oriented hobby breeder in Southern California who strive to produce excellent representatives of the English Springer Spaniel breed…
OUr personal pet full blooded Pom with no papers had a litter.
We are small breeders of Labrador Retriever and we have new litters available now.
Am a bull terrier breeder for more than 10years today and i know every thing about bull terrier
Champion lines AKC Euro Great Danes coming September 11th
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Kennels
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Breeders
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Pet Sitters
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Dog Walkers
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Groomers
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Photographers
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Therapists
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Rescues
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Trainers