We are a family based French Bulldog breeder. Puppies are all hand raised and very sweet and lovable. They are also kennel trained. Please make sure you research…
7 Siberian Husky puppies males and females call or text 7143868060 only if you are a serious buyer.
Our pups come with a 3-year health guarantee, Registry paperwork, and all vaccinations and wormings up-to-date. We offer worldwide shipping. We are a licensed…
I've had Bichons since 2001 and absolutely love the breed. I only sell top quality Bichon Frise puppies.
Gorgeous AKC registered French Bulldog Puppies $2,000 Our puppies are raised with tons of love in our home. Vaccinations up to date 2 males available puppies…
We have been breeding for over 12 years now and we have much more to give you about these breeds .
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Kennels
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Breeders
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Pet Sitters
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Dog Walkers
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Groomers
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Photographers
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Therapists
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Rescues
Cardiff by the Sea Dog Trainers