I have a strong love of Boxers and French Bulldogs. I have been raising these dogs since I saw a small child. I only breed if I KNOW I am making a better litter…
mom and pop raising and loving their dogs puppies raised in home
small scale hobby breeder poodles and goldendoodles
akc reg champion bloodline alaskan malamute with over 30 yrs experience
2 male Yorkie's will be ready to rehome July 1s. They were born May 14th
We have eleven(11) 4 week old pitbull/presa canario mix. Litter consist of 8 girls and 3 boys. Our male is a 100lb Presa Canario/Pitbull mix and our female…
Carrollton Dog Dog Walkers
Carrollton Dog Therapists
Carrollton Dog Veterinarians