Have previously owned one flat coat retriever for family pet
want a maltese puppy for my three children ages 12, 13 and 14. We are a loving and responsible home.
I am a small hobby breeder that believes in breeding to improve the breed. I am very passionate about breeding French Bulldogs and love animals very much.
Breeding AKC registeredStandard Poodle since 2007. . We breed healthy happy pet in our home on a semi annual schedule. I was mentored by Nobility Poodles one…
Owners, handlers, breeders exclusively Dogue de Bordeaux for over 15 years. Limited breedings. Puppies for serious inquires only please. We DO NOT ship!
11 month White German Shepard puppy lovely, female. It has spayed by pet hospital. Cage trained. Have all recommended Vaccines by pet hospital. We don't…