Teresa Burks Small Country Kennel 18 years Breeding Experience
We are private breeder NO Puppy Mill here. Puppies are raised in home and socialized with family daily. I want the best homes for my babies. If you are a…
Beautiful Golden doodles puppies for sale, born on April 2nd. Mother and father on premises..sweet, intelligent, loving, and beautiful, raised in an inhome…
We are a small breeder. We currrently have approx 6 acres where the dogs/puppies are free to roam and play. The sire and dame are both very gentle as are…
owner----have large yard for dogs to run & play and many hiking trails in back. Dogs fed an all natural diet dog food ( no corn, wheat0 supplemented with raw…
I am a very small breeder of French Bulldogs located in Atlanta, GA. Please visit my website for all updated info on available puppies, including the gorgeous…
I am not a puppy mill. I have 3 females and only offer puppies about every 2 years. My females will prodce a litter approx every 1 to 2 years. My pppies will…
Small home-based breeder of the German Rottweiler. Parents are on premise and the puppies are raised in the home. They are socialized with our grandson who…