I have 2 CKC Poms that just had a litter of three. 2 males are left. We do not wish to keep them. 478-957-8796.
Championship breeding program with Champion dogs in AKC Confirmation, Agility, Obedience and Hunting. Breeding Poodles for 40 years
I am currently living in Newnan GA 30265. I have two brittany, one is 3 years old male, and another is 2 years old female. I adopted a male from a brittany…
I am the happy owner of a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. I am her first and only owner and moved from TX to GA with her, even in the safehouse. I have rescued a beautiful…
We have been raising Shih Tzu for 12 years. We currently have 1 puppy available and a litter due.
I've been breeding Aussies for almost 15 years and I still have my first Aussie Sheila. We live on a 17 ac sustainable farm where we have a verity of animals…
Small breeder.
We are a small family breeder just outside Atlanta Georgia. We specialize in Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies.