Two purebred siberian husky males chocolate/ white males left.first shots.playful.healthy.loving .10 weeks old $650
Hello everyone UKC Canary Mastiffs We have 4 females and 4 males ready on Sept 20th. Will come dewormed with first shots. Parents are service animals…
Our puppies are home raised and cared for like they are our children. Our Bull Terrier puppies are from international champion pedigree from some of the finest…
Our puppies are from a 5 Generation Champion blood line and their registration paper's are threw - 'ARBA' - American Rare breed Association PUPPIES WILL also…
I have been a Shih Tzu breeder for over 8 years. I raise standard size Shih Tzu's 9-16lbs and smaller size 6 -8lbs. Standard size Shih Tzu's seem to be less…
Born July 18,2016. 10 weeks old .1st & 2nd shots parvo,dewormed. Tales cropped & dew claw removed also weaned. Mother on site, she has a good temperament and…
I have 8 week old puppies for sale there's 6 left, 5 females I male. The dad is a bully pitbull gotti blood line. The mom is a micro bully, the puppies where…
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