Dog Services in Dexter, Michigan

Dog Services in Dexter, MI

Ft.Wayne, IN (143 mi)

Looking to add a great Dane to our family.

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Fort Wayne, IN (145 mi)

We are first time breeders of our family pet Cocoa. She is an AKC Wheaten Terrier. We have cross bred her with an AKC Standard Chocolate Poodle. The puppies…

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Fort Wayne, IN (145 mi)

I’m breeding Goldendoodle’s because of the amazing heart healers they become. My goal is to change live’s one Goldendoodle at a time.

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Any Day of the Week
Fort Wayne, IN (145 mi)

I want a cute little dog my family are dog lovers but do have small children

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Fort Wayne, IN (147 mi)

Female is red/rust Male is black/tan

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Doberman Pinscher
Mecosta, MI (152 mi)

Has a male miniature schnauzer for sale. 18 months old, all shots and has a mirco-chip

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Miniature Poodle
Fort Wayne, IN (153 mi)

Our names are Brett and Brittney, and we are part-time dog breeders. The mother, Roxy, is a Bernedoodle. This is our second litter (2nd generation breeders…

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Chicago, IL (154 mi)

Will provide a wonderful environment for my dog and spoil it. I am looking for a doberman pincher with natural tail but in my price range! Want a family pet…

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