Brenda Stiehl
I have been breeding for ten years. I breed for quality as well as temperment . All of my puppies are raised in my home with my son and 5 adult bulldogs. They…
This is the 2nd litter from Athena and Thor. Owners of puppies from 1st litter are very satisfied with their new additions to their families. I ensure that…
40 years in breeding, 20 years in the breed
AKC Registered Weimaraner Puppies. Mother is AKC registered and is registered as a Canine Good Citizen through the AKC. The father is AKC registered with champion…
My husband, daughter and step son own the mother and father and 1 puppy from the first litter born in 2011. they are our family pets and we would love for their…
Local PA German Shepherds. Family owned dogs. Socialized and loved!
My name is Katherine. I own 3 beautiful Siberian Huskies. They are red and white huskies. they are very loved, spoiled, and very well taken care of. I am looking…