we had puppies and currently are now selling
French bulldog puppies for sale3 girls 2 boys Colors lilac blue tri Contact information Lisa 5515802105
my puppies are 14 weeks old, vaccinated and current on shots. My puppies currently weigh 15IBS and they feed three times a day,they are good with other pets…
Private part time home hobby breeder who has limited litters available and selectively breeds for health, structure and tempermant. Puppies are family raised…
The Yorkshire Terrier, most commonly known as the “Yorkie,” originates from Yorkshire, a rugged region of Northern England. Yorkies were originally bred…
Breeder of quality pembroke welsh corgi puppies.
I am a breeder from small , i gradually found love in pets and wildlife it has always been my passion to be around and that is why i decided that i will become…
Billy the little male and Mimi the female are really a pair! Billy and Mimi are Presently 2ibs at 10weeks old and will be 5ibs at maturity. They are ready…