Puppies will be ckc registered. Mother is ckc and akc registered. Father is ckc registered. Pedigree chart available with puppies.
Cathy's Maltese provide families all over the US and Canada with beautiful Maltese & Maltipoo pups. All our puppies are registered and health guaranteed"
have two kids and a loving family as well.
Teacup Yorkie Puppies For R-Homing Here are two Yorkie puppies for adoption, Male and Female. They are ready to become your life long companion, they have good…
not a breeder I have these cute pups that need home huskie and English bulldogs
Registered/registerable, Current vaccinations, Veterinarian examination, Health certificate, Pedigree.
I am not a breeder, i am just an individual with adorable puppies to give out for adoption
East Brunswick Dog Pet Sitters
East Brunswick Dog Dog Walkers
East Brunswick Dog Photographers