I am the breeder and owner , for 25 years I have cockapoos , yorkies , you ca call or email you .
Schoens Pomeranian's has been breeding Pomeranian's, and Chihuahuas for 10 years. We breed for quality, health, and color. We have all color's. Please feel…
She was given to us when she was only 4 weeks old and now we are looking to give her to someone else at 4 months old that wants a puppy.
I have 2 CKC Poms that just had a litter of three. 2 males are left. We do not wish to keep them. 478-957-8796.
Breeder of English Cocker Spaniels ( and English Setters ) for 20+ years. Small kennel located in quiet rural setting in southwest Georgia. We only raise 2…
We are small breeders located in Midville ga about 45 minutes from Augusta. We breed small and large, type A standard Rat Terriers.
Eastman Dog Therapists
Eastman Dog Veterinarians