Have bred registered, full-blooded German Shepherds for 12 years now.
White Oak Doodles, a Tennessee ethical dog breeder, specializes in Bernedoodle puppies and English Cream Goldendoodle puppies. We breed for top health and behavior…
We lOVE DOODLES! They are the most amazing dogs ever! I am a mom of 4. My daughter Rose and I are a team. We have met so many wonderful people along the…
English bull
I have two Great Pyrenees as my pets. And I just want their puppys to got to loving and caring homes.
Each pup is being sold for $150 a piece
Ckc saint Bernard puppies for sale one male two females will be ready January 20th 800 each taking 100deposits
We are a family owned and operating farm with mastiffs horses and shelties
Fairview Dog Photographers
Fairview Dog Therapists
Fairview Dog Rescues