please contact me at
Pit bull pups. . Chinaman and june gotti bloodline. Laid back and playful. 3 males and 2 female.. brown, brown and white. $50 each
Has both parents. This litter. House raised, not kept in kennel.
I am looking for some type of catahoula/hound dog puppy to give my dad for christmas!
Hi I've owned Kobe ever since he was a Kobe and I'm sad to say with college in the way I'm afraid I cannot give him the attention he needs. I would love to…
She & her brother was born 02-16-2016 . She very playful and sweet , she listens well and eats a lot lol . I have named her Aliah , after her Dad Ali . She…
I only breed superb quality maltese, 100% pure-bred. I am a private breeder. My puppies are raised in my home. They are very sweet and loving. My babies…
Own 6 month old chocolate lab. Unable to take care of him. Looking for a loving forever home.
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