I am the breeder and owner , for 25 years I have cockapoos , yorkies , you ca call or email you .
We are a family who owns two full-breed Shelties and are now trying to find good homes for their puppies.
Looking to home two three year old boxers, brother and sister. Need home with fenced in yard and lots of room to run. Very active. Need activities. Currently…
Meet Loui!! He is an AKC Teacup Tuxedo Phantom Poodle. He is a proven stud, with 100% successful takings. Loui will throw: creams, silver, tuxedo, chocolate…
hobby breeder
we are gods perfect gifts kennels and are licensed by the state and maintain a well keep kennel
We have owned weimaraners for 14 years and absolutely love the breed! We have had 2 previous litters with a different female, but this will be our first litter…
AKC Rottweiler puppies. 3rd generation Bronko OD Dragicevica on sires side. on Dams side 2nd generation Herkules Vom Bruck. 100.00 deposit. puppies are 450…
Flowery Branch Dog Pet Sitters
Flowery Branch Dog Dog Walkers
Flowery Branch Dog Photographers
Flowery Branch Dog Therapists