We have been raising catahoula's for ten years. We are certified breeders with the NALC.
Julia Belle McCall and Gentleman Benner McMiles are proud parents to their second litter this year. 6 females and 4 males born on May 16, 2013.
We hobbyists who adore the Boxer breed. Our dogs are our family and are raised in our home as such! We will only place our puppies in families who will love…
$400 We bought this beautiful dog a short time ago and have found out that we have to move. I will sell this sweet dog to someone who has room for him to…
Located in beautiful Austin, Texas, Central Texas Schnauzers is an independent teacup and toy miniature schnauzer breeder. We believe in hands on daily loving…
AKC Beagle Breeder 10 Yr Hobby Breeder 13 inch Class Beagles Tri-Color, Lemon, Chocolate, Blue Ticked
I am a licensed breeder of Merle Yorkies and traditional Yorkies.
Fort Hood Dog Pet Sitters
Fort Hood Dog Dog Walkers