We have been breeding Labrador retrievers, labradoodles and goldendoodles for 6 years. Our puppies are well socialized, loved and raised in home with children…
We take pride in raising and breeding spoiled great danes!
This is our fourth AND FINAL litter with our Labrador's. The puppies are very happy, healthy, and active. They were born on 9/10/17. They will come with their…
Golden retriever female 15 weeks old 550 $
I have a 5 month old female pitbull. I am needing to sell because I am allergic to her.
Home raised AKC Siberian Huskies . Raised as part of our family around children and other pets so when they are ready for new homes they are well rounded happy…
Heartlands Quality Labrador Retrievers has been specializing in raising and pruducing labrador retrievers for over 15 years. We have a great reputation of…
Fort Wayne Dog Photographers
Fort Wayne Dog Therapists