I am the owner of two purebred Shih-Tzus, male & female. They are my pets. They are raised in my home. Pups will be born in my home & treated as family. They…
I have 6yrs experience, raising and breeding Lhasa Apsos. They are born in our loving home and raised with love along side our children and other dogs.
We are looking for a border collie to live on our 400 acre dairy farm with us.
I recieved this puppy from a friend who could not care for her. She is 14 months old, rottweiler and lab mix. comes with food, toys, cage, shots, etc.
The facilities are located in my home in Richmond VA. We raise our puppies with the utmost of care and love. They are raised with children and two adult dogs…
I LOVE DOGS!! really want my first dog!!! And I especially would love a toy poodle!!
Had my dog since she was 8wks old. She is currently 2yrs old and weigh 7lbs. I have all the paper work on her. She's a white female Maltipoo. She is trained…
I have been breeding for the past ten years as i inherited it from my dad who did from his dad.
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