Dog Services in Greenville, South Carolina

Dog Services in Greenville, SC

Sevierville, TN (127 mi)

Family breeder of rare Dilute Chocolate "SILVER" labrador retrievers.

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Primary Breed
Sevierville, TN (127 mi)

We are a Family Couple that Raises Beautiful Colored Boston Terriers, here in the Heart of Sevierville, TN. We are Expecting some Litters this February into…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Boston Terrier
AKC Member Number
Any Day of the Week
Sevierville, TN (127 mi) Facebook also We have been breeding for over 20 years and have OFA tested parents, bred for quality, health and personalities, raised…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Georgia (127 mi)

Cane Corso puppies. Christmas Special $800

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Cane Corso
Sevierville, TN (127 mi)

Looking to sell my jack russell terrier in the sevierville/knoxville/pigeon forge area. She's 2 and a very good dog. She requires a lot of love and attention…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jack Russell Terrier
West Cola, SC (127 mi)

purebreed ckc

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Adams, NC (128 mi)

i have been breeding akitas for about 17 years now.i am a vet tech. i am dedicated to the akita breed. i do show some of my akitas. i only have1 to 2 litters…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Any Day of the Week
Blythewood, SC (128 mi)

We raise and breed German Shepherds in an idyllic country setting. Continuing a family tradition started by his father, Jason treats his dogs like family and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd