Dog Services in Hamburg, Pennsylvania

Dog Services in Hamburg, PA

Doylestown, PA (73 mi)

Looking for a loveable pug for my family!

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Newark, DE (74 mi)

Michael & Kimberly Moore

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Great Dane
Any Day of the Week
Delta, PA (74 mi)

My name is Nina Gray and I am just starting out on breeding my female German Shepherd. As I go along with raising my first German Shepherd, Jasmine I have…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Any Day of the Week
Pennsylvania (74 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Whiteford, MD (74 mi)

1 Boston terrier at our home we want a corgi puppy male.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Whiteford, MD (74 mi)

My name is Madge,55 years old I love Animals and Live in the Farm,Used to have Goat,Sheep.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Scranton, PA (75 mi)

Welcome to Romanos Cane Corsos! At Romanos Cane Corsos, we are passionate about this magnificent and noble breed. We are dedicated to producing exceptional…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Cane Corso
Any Day of the Week
Rescue or Shelter
Any Day of the Week
Selingsgrove, PA (75 mi)

we are selling our 2-3 month Rottweiler puppy to a good home. we are asking 1,500 cash no checks no western union, I don't have pictures. He is healthy well…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$50.00 / Hr Training
Any Day of the Week