cute 5 white Siberian puppies both parents white DOB 12-12-14 ASKING 400.00
This is our first litter of Dane Pups and we plan to get more males and females. We are planning on growing and adding more Great Danes to the family.
We sell Beautiful White Siberian Husky Pups.. we are a small family. We breed our dog as a hobby for ours children's pleasure and learning. Our dogs are…
Il Vigore Cane Corso is a true Sicilian Family Farm establishment for the mossler type old world breed Cane Corso. We are located in Western Central Illinois…
She is a Brindle female pitbull.
Exhibiting/training/breeding for 30 yrs. References/lifetime support. We offer a LIFETIME guarantee. We are an AKC Compliant Breeder. Our pups are utility,therapy…
My family and I love our animals and love to raise puppies for other families to love and enjoy! I have an Animal Science degree and am passionate about giving…
We raise the happiest, healthy, and oh so love-able puppies around. They are socialized with daily and come pre-loved for your home. We look forward to placing…
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