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We have been breeding wheatens for 12 years and find them to be the most lovable and loyal pets. I am a nurse but have chosen to stay at home to take care of…
We are dedicated to breeding the best Miniature Dachshund Puppies. A dog is a man's best friend, and we believe treating them back same is all they deserve…
I am a small hands on breeder of Old English Sheepdogs. The puppies are born in my home and are handled and socialized on a daily basis from day one. I have…
We have two silver factored female Labs as our in-home family pets. Puppies are raised in the home with our children and their many friends. They are kept…
Sex: Female Name: Hayley Reaves Hobby: Taking care of animals Number of animals: 7 dogs, 2 fish, and 2 cats Discrption (Why I need a dog): I had…
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We are a small breeding program dedicated to producing a healthy well bred family pet. We strive to produce amazing dogs that will bring joy to your family…
Hannibal Dog Kennels
Hannibal Dog Groomers
Hannibal Dog Therapists
Hannibal Dog Veterinarians