Dog Services in Hannibal, Missouri

Dog Services in Hannibal, MO

St Louis, MO (121 mi)

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Primary Business
Primary Breed
American Eskimo
Any Day of the Week
Bloomflied, IA (122 mi)

We have been breeding wheatens for 12 years and find them to be the most lovable and loyal pets. I am a nurse but have chosen to stay at home to take care of…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Wheaten Terrier
Any Day of the Week
Missouri (122 mi)

We are dedicated to breeding the best Miniature Dachshund Puppies. A dog is a man's best friend, and we believe treating them back same is all they deserve…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Bloomfield, IA (122 mi)

I am a small hands on breeder of Old English Sheepdogs. The puppies are born in my home and are handled and socialized on a daily basis from day one. I have…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Any Day of the Week
Bloomfield, IA (122 mi)

We have two silver factored female Labs as our in-home family pets. Puppies are raised in the home with our children and their many friends. They are kept…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Eldon, IA (122 mi)

Sex: Female Name: Hayley Reaves Hobby: Taking care of animals Number of animals: 7 dogs, 2 fish, and 2 cats Discrption (Why I need a dog): I had…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Saint Louis, MO (122 mi)

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Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
East Alton, IL (123 mi)

We are a small breeding program dedicated to producing a healthy well bred family pet. We strive to produce amazing dogs that will bring joy to your family…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$800.00 / Stud Breeding
Any Day of the Week