Dog Services in Hartsdale, New York

Dog Services in Hartsdale, NY

New Jersey (89 mi)

Owner of pure chocolate lab and bred with pure lab. Raised in our home and handle and loved by kids.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Labrador Retriever
Any Day of the Week
Jackson, NJ (89 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jackson, NJ (89 mi)

private breeder. these dogs live in our home. all pups are very social and raised with lots of love and care.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$1500.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Georgia (89 mi)

I am living in Georgia and need a good home for this pup

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Jackson, NJ (89 mi)

Gorgeous purebred Pomeranian male puppy. 6 weeks old. Cream color.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
York, ON (89 mi)

A lover of dogs and the dog related activities based in canada.. i do breed dogs and sell out with the help of my son

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Princeton, NJ (90 mi)

I am not a breeder only a Dog lover. I need a new home for my Dog. she is very lovely and playful a wonderful Dog.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Rescue or Shelter
Any Day of the Week
Forestville, CT (91 mi)

Bringing back the true German Great Dane breed. Bettering this magnificent breed by following the original Deutsche Dogge breed standards strictly followed…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Great Dane
Any Day of the Week
Any Day of the Week