I am a very small breeder, who only has a few al litters per year. My puppies are raised in my home, not a kennel! They receive love and attention from me…
I have 4 puppies for sale females are $400 males 300 shots and wormed 517-750-8042
This pup was bought in s. Ohio from an Amish family.
We own the female she is a Lhasa apso and poodle mix my daughter owns the male Luca is a Brussels griffon/Maltese which the breed is called a brussel sprout…
Been a rescuer for 20 years. Now breeding to help support my rescues. Puppies are not caged and allowed playtime several times a day on half an acre. I have…
Mark Short and Molly's Darling Doodles
I am a doctor, raising dogs according to high holistic standards, so that the dogs will have the best chances to be healthy and enjoy a long life. I raise…
Am wondering about the mini labradoodle in wakarusa, IN. Not sure how to get your contact info. Please email soon. Many thanks, Debby
Hicksville Dog Photographers
Hicksville Dog Therapists