I am a hobby breeder and have much experience in raising up cute puppies. I raise yorkie puppies, English bulldog puppies AKC registered.
Hello! I am a mom of three who works part time and have just had my second litter of puppies. My golden just turned four years old and enjoys being a mama dog…
We breed and sell premium minature Aussiepoo's sand Aussiedoodles
I have over 20 year experience as a breeder, of American Golden Retrievers and English Cream Golden Retrievers. We raise our puppies and adult Golden’s to…
As a vet tech. I breed healthy and sound temperament dogs. Our dogs are OFA certified and come with a lifetime guarantee. We treat our dogs and puppy's as our…
Personal owner not able to keep the puppy any longer due to some reasons.
I have been raising Keeshond puppies for over 30 years. I strive to raise healthy happy puppies that will be good family pets.
We are F1 Golden Doodle breeders in Indiana. We strive to have healthy, happy Golden Doodle puppies. Placing them in loving homes is our passion! We specialize…
Hicksville Dog Photographers
Hicksville Dog Therapists