I have a black and white block head/gotti pit bull. He is a fun loving family pet. He is great with children and smaller dog breeds. I also own a bug (pug,…
we sale nice big boned shepherds, show and pet with fabulous temperaments.all colors and coats.
Our names are Brett and Brittney, and we are part-time dog breeders. The mother, Roxy, is a Bernedoodle. This is our second litter (2nd generation breeders…
We have been breeding Shibas for over 3 years. Both parents are on premises and come from very loving homes!
Will provide a wonderful environment for my dog and spoil it. I am looking for a doberman pincher with natural tail but in my price range! Want a family pet…
I have a litter of Old English Sheepdogs/Irish Wolfhound mix pups. They have dew claws removed and will be up to date on shots and vet checked. The price is…
We have 5 beautiful AKC registered great dane puppies. We also have both parents, this is her first litter and we have had no issues.
Love what you do, and never work a day in your life! We sell multiple kinds of doodles! We have a variety of Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, double doodles, and…
Hicksville Dog Photographers
Hicksville Dog Therapists