we own and sell rottweiler puppies at chip and affordable price, to make sure most can get their dream puppies.
At Savvy Pets puppy website: PetPuppiesForSale .com we deliver premium puppy breeds safely across the United States to your local airport. Our puppies have…
Founder of the Ethical Breeders' Guild, hobby breeder who shows in confirmation, agility, rally, and tracking. We do rehabilitate rescue Dachshunds to prepare…
Experienced breeder of healthy happy Miniature Dachshunds in all coats and many colors. All parents are extensively health tested including OFA Thyroid, OFA…
Breed and train outstanding hunters and companions. Field Trial and Conformation Show potential. Champion Bllodlines
i work at the four seasons as a chef!
we breed only european great danes of the finest quality stock from the best bloodlines. 25 years experience. currently bred our german male{otto von lanza…