Striving to bring you a Good Quality pet that can fulfill all your Needs.
I have been breeding for 5 years Most of my litters are CKC but sometimes we do have an AKC an litter. All my pups come with 2 weeks of food, 1 year health…
we have a sweet little female dachshund puppy for sale for 250$. she has first shots. she is around 12 weeks old needs a good home.
In prosess of getin papers on her,have papers of mother also photos of her and her parents.
My wife and I raise yorkys.and have owned dobermans
Lovely Cute Bull Dog Puppies FoR Sale
We are a small family oriented breeding program. We pride ourselves on raising quality puppies in a loving environment. We currently have a litter of silver…
visit my page on facebook.. salazar's boxers.. check out all the pics
Lacombe Dog Groomers
Lacombe Dog Photographers
Lacombe Dog Therapists
Lacombe Dog Rescues
Lacombe Dog Veterinarians