Good breeder
Breeder of purebreed poodles and poodle-mix puppies. All puppies and parents of puppies are CKC registered, complete with shots and papers. Small and loving…
Akita owner! Looking for show quality puppy!
Has both parents. This litter. House raised, not kept in kennel.
please contact me at
Pit bull pups. . Chinaman and june gotti bloodline. Laid back and playful. 3 males and 2 female.. brown, brown and white. $50 each
Me and my wife are newly weds, and looking for an English bulldog puppy. I'm in the army, and my wife works at a vet office.
I have been breeding Longhaired Pure bread Chihuahuas with imported Russian lines since 2020. All our adult dogs are health tested with embark which test for…