I am not a puppy mill. I have 3 females and only offer puppies about every 2 years. My females will prodce a litter approx every 1 to 2 years. My pppies will…
Small home-based breeder of the German Rottweiler. Parents are on premise and the puppies are raised in the home. They are socialized with our grandson who…
I am fairly new to the whole "breeder" thing, I along with my husband will be breeding Pit Bulls (China Bully).
Reside in Athens Ga.
I have 2 CKC Poms that just had a litter of three. 2 males are left. We do not wish to keep them. 478-957-8796.
Love animals & our sweet Mini Schnauzers!!!! We breed at home in a stress free environment and always do it the right way with vet care and only allowing our…
Puppies for sale Mini Schanuzers- Yorkies -Shorkies- Shihtzu.