Dog Services in Lincroft, New Jersey

Dog Services in Lincroft, NJ

New Jersey (32 mi)

I am soon to be a college graduate and I am looking for a furry baby to give myself as a graduation present. I am interested in toy poodles.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
New Jersey (32 mi)

I'm selling yorkshire terrier, mom weights 5 pounds and dad weights 2,1/2 pounds..i have 2 males 1 female for sale. they have cropped tail and with papers and…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Yorkshire Terrier
New Jersey (32 mi)

7 pupies left just newborn July 7th 2013

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$20.00 / Hr Dog Walking
Any Day of the Week
New York (32 mi)

Private, individual seller. Breed and selling my Cane-Corso Pit-bull's newborn babies.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$450.00 / Dog Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Kenilworth, NJ (32 mi)

I own Two Yorkshire terrier puppies and they are 12 weeks old now

Primary Business
Primary Breed
New York, NY (32 mi)


Primary Business
Primary Breed
Siberian Husky
New York, NY (32 mi)

i have being a breeder for a long time now,so if you want to adopt any of my pets,you will be giving all the assurance your need.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
New York,City, NY (32 mi)

American Pit Bull Terrier

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$300.00 / 1 Breeding
Any Day of the Week