I am a private breeder of exclusively A+Maltese - Yorkie - Biewer and Biro. They are 100% Pure-bred, healthy . All my babies come with a written 1 year health…
Terry Adams Jr. is a renowned dog trainer/handler with 9 years of experience training dogs in protection, sports and narcotic detection as well as over 16 years…
Looking for a male catahoula puppy
Good breeder
German Shepherd pup's..World Champion Working-Line..4-females left,dark sable and lite sable..pups are up to date on shot's - deworming.these pup's will train…
I am a software engineer. I purchase my pubby from a reputable breeder here in Atlanta GA. I am unable to care for Blu being that my schedule has changed and…
This is our second litter of puppies. They are reaised in our home & receive a lot of love & attention. Feel free to contact me with any questions. 678-794…