15 Years Breeding English and French Bulldogs. We strive to produce quality and Healthy Puppies. All our Puppies are Vet Checked before they are sold .All puppies…
We breed to share of love of boxers! We hope people who buy our boxers love them as much as we do.
i currently have a litter of siberian husky puppies for sale, they are AKC registered and they have had their first set of shots, i am asking $350.00, if you…
Has both parents. This litter. House raised, not kept in kennel.
Pit bull pups. . Chinaman and june gotti bloodline. Laid back and playful. 3 males and 2 female.. brown, brown and white. $50 each
please contact me at terryjons1096@yahoo.com
Lord and Lady Labradoodles is a breeder of exceptional Australian Labradoodles & American Labradoodles. We breed multigenerational Australian Labradoodles…
I am a hobby breeder with 4 westies. I breed them once a year and I own the stud too. :)